The conference “Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication”, organized yearly by the Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University in Bucharest in collaboration with the Department of Asian Studies within the Romanian-American, is an international event, meant to bring together the preoccupations and contributions of those interested in human communication and cultural phenomena in the global context: foreign language educators, academic researchers, journalists and others, from schools, universities or alternative areas of humanistic approach around this country and abroad.

The articles published in the homonymous conference journal represent a selection of the Conference presentations; they reflect a variety of perspectives and innovative ideas on topics such as linguistics, translation studies, FLT, literary / cultural studies and their related fields, providing opportunities for professional development and research. The editorial board considers that the personal contributions included in the conference journal come in support of multilingualism and multiculturalism due to their variety of topics and linguistic diversity. This would be, in fact, the challenge we are faced with: to put forth a journal which, in spite of its heterogeneous blend, should serve the goal of gathering under its covers the results of the pursuits and concerns of those interested in the ongoing development of culture and in the interpersonal communication which have been subject to various mutations as an effect of an ever-changing globalized world.


This unity in diversity should be achieved by connections established within and among a variety of fields which often blend into each other, proving the interdisciplinarity of modern research: education, teaching, literature, media etc. which also allow complementary approaches in linguistics, rhetoric, sociology etc. 

Who should attend

We invite educators, researchers, Ph.D. students and all professionals working in both public & private sectors to submit the extended abstracts for the Conference.